Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Synapse AI Airdrop

Synapse AI is a project combining machine learning Artificial Intelligence and blockchain technology. And their objective is to give the power back to the users for their content. Because these days, users give away their data to companies in exchange for centralized access to application and services. See Facebook, Google and all the other “free” services like these. Never forget that if you’re not paying for it, then you’re the product. And in this case, your data have a value for companies.
Therefore, the team behind Synapse AI is developing a marketplace, where you’ll be able to share your data. And you’ll even get paid for it! Indeed, whether from your device that connects to media, of from an app or a web-based service, you consistently create data. And thanks to their solution, you’ll be able to choose which data you share in the AI marketplace, and be compensated for it.
And on the other side of the equation, companies will be able to purchase your data to grow their business. So of course, they’ll use these data for marketing purpose: To advertise. But almost all industries are in search of data, all the time. And instead of getting these data for free, at your expenses, they’ll have to pay for them! If you want further details, read their white paper!

ETH.TOWN Airdrop

Become a realtor buying out floors for certain crypto-companies in a crypto-business tower. Having your price beaten wins you a big profit, successfully buying out a floor wins you the whole floor and membership in the investors club.
ETH.TOWN has unbeatable unique features and quality. There was nothing like that before!
ETH.TOWN is a game is about buying and selling stuff, collecting cards and peeps and negotiating. And eventually getting to the investors heaven and getting good profits! The team is giving away free investor tokens. Claim yours now!

You can also become an Alpha tester in this online profitable game.

YOO MI Airdrop

Yoo-Mi PHA is a cutting-edge project aiming at changing the life of millions. While it may sound a bit like boasting at this time, there’s a lot of potential! Because their team is focusing on a trillion dollar market: Wellness, well-being and wealth. In addition they’re combining blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI). So you’ve got here a very good mix to create value.
Yoo-Mi is a virtual personal assistant powered by cutting-edge, psychology-driven, empathic Artificial Intelligence. Its goal: Improve your wellness. Or in other terms: Change your life! And they're giving away free tokens. Claim yours now!