Friday, February 16, 2018

EGG Token Airdrop Round 2

Answer Questions. Earn Crypto.

Currently, there aren’t apps that allow anyone to exchange cryptocurrency for knowledge. We are changing that. The economic stabilizing potential of this is vast – allowing everyone to share and get paid for their knowledge.

Coinstocks Airdrop

At CoinStocks our mission is simple: Bring cryptocurrency investment opportunities to the masses. We believe that cryptocurrency and alternative coins are the future of investments and we want to get everyone on board!
Most of the popular cryptocurrency exchanges fueling the market are not built for the average user. They have performance issues, have complicated user interfaces and leave the end user wondering about the validity/trustworthiness of the services being rendered. At CoinStocks, we are based in the US and we aim to provide full transparency and a modern cutting edge user interface from day one!
Having alternative coins as the foundation of our trading platform allows everyone to participate at cheaper values in order to maximize gains. Cryptocurrency related technologies are moving fast and we will be at the forefront.

Woter Airdrop-*CLOSED*

Next Generation Hybrid Decentralized Exchange

Woter Technologies is a fin-tech startup focusing on blockchain technologies, The Woter team is building the next generation hybrid decentralized exchange where you can trade cryptocurrencies & fiat in a secure model. Your money stays in your wallet until you trade.
We are creating the world’s largest crypto/fiat exchange and the most valuable token WOTER. By investing in WOTER you are securing lifelong earnings from our smart contract: 25% of exchange revenue will be distributed to WOT holders monthly for life.
Woter`s Exchange smart contract will distribute funds (WOT and Ether) to the holders of Woter coin (ERC20) tokens pro-rata.

Bitpaction Airdrop

As the leading intelligent digital asset exchange of the world, we are not only to establish a digital asset exchange, to provide the best user experience for every user, to assist every investor gaining profit, is our core aim.

Escoin Airdrop

ESC is a  new cryptocurrency generated by the encryption algorithms with “peer to peer” transactions which is based on an open source platform. It is a global payment network which is decentralized.

Siglo Airdrop

Siglo is the future of mobile transactions and connectivity in high growth markets, where increased access to networks is paid for by brand sponsors. Siglo is a catalyst for digital and financial inclusion.