Sunday, February 4, 2018

IPMine Airdrop

IPMine is a crowdfunding company for mining IPFS

OjuT Airdrop

OjuT is the ONLY Real Deal in Real Life. It is the first Cryptocurrency in the world to be used on a massive scale in the travel industry on a daily basis.

Omnitude Airdrop

Omnitude is a radical concept in blockchain ecosystems. Not only creating our own blockchain solutions that integrate enterprise systems, supply chains, and eCommerce platforms. But also enabling a community of app developers that can imagine, build and deploy blockchain solutions to real-world problems.

Register, go to Dashboard, Airdrop.

Hurify Airdrop

Hurify Inc. founded by Ex-Intel veterans, is an Ethereum based decentralized platform that facilitates IoT Developers to monetize their IoT hardware resources and services via Smart Contracts.
These resources include: 1) Distributed remote hardware for product development usage, and 2) Skilled & highly-trained IoT engineering talent for building products and technologies.
Hurify is powered by Ethereum ERC20 standard HUR Tokens.

Havven Airdrop

Havven is a decentralised payment network that utilises a dual token system to reduce price volatility. The fees from transactions within the system are used to collateralise the network. The collateral is secured by the blockchain, enabling the creation of a new asset-backed stablecoin. Each transaction will generate fees that are paid to holders of the collateral token, and as transaction volume grows, the value of the platform increases. This permissionless, low-fee and stable payment network will enable anyone anywhere to transact with anyone else.

Crafty Airdrop-*CLOSED*

The free platform already running, based on AI, connecting skilled workers to their contractors, without centralized intervention. Reputation is the key value and is built by users' curatorship chain and registered at blockchain. Patent pending business model.

                                       Click Here

Mirror Token Airdrop

We will have high privacy, fast transactions, and low fees.
Mirror Token aims are to facilitate the transactions between fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies.
Max supply: MRT